SHAYNE LA COMBRE – Industry expert
Shayne La Combre is the Chief Executive Officer of the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC). He has been instrumental in driving the continuous expansion of this world-class training centre which offers courses supporting the entire career life cycle of industry participants.
Shayne is also the Secretary of the Indigenous Plumbing and Sanitation Foundation which has been established to provide relief from poverty, sickness, and misfortune, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are living with poor sanitation, putting them at risk of disease and sickness.
Shayne brings his experience in operating a successful business and his expert knowledge of the plumbing industry to the SAG.
MICHAEL SHULMAN – Financial and compliance expert
Michael Shulman is an expert in external and internal audit, forensic accounting engagements, business valuations, court expert evidence and consulting.
Michael’s passion for accounting arose as a teenager when he maintained the books and records for his father’s clothing business. The lessons he learnt at that stage of life, coupled with the satisfaction when genuinely helping people with their finances, have led him to a career in accounting and business advisory.
Michael’s expertise in finance and his deep understanding of the RAW business help SAG provide strategic counsel to the RAW Board of Directors.

STEVE MICHELSON – Public and government relations expert
Steve Michelson is Founder and Director of Michelson Alexander. He is a highly respected corporate advisor and political and national campaigning strategist.
Prior to founding Michelson Alexander, Steve spent six years as a trusted advisor to the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, then Leader of the Opposition, providing advice regarding highly complex policy, political and communications issues, often in sensitive media environments, and built networks with business, unions, and the community.
Steve thrives in complex stakeholder and issues rich environments and supplements SAG’s advice to the RAW Board of Directors on matters of public and government relations.
PETER BUCKSKIN – Indigenous affairs expert
Professor Peter Buckskin is a Narungga man from the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia. He is currently the Dean of Aboriginal Engagement and Strategic Projects at the University of South Australia.
As an educator and professional bureaucrat for more than 30 years, Peter’s passion has been the pursuit of educational excellence for Aboriginal students. He has worked as a schoolteacher, a Ministerial Adviser, Superintendent of Schools and as a senior executive at both state and federal levels.
Education is an important part of employment, and Peter’s passion and knowledge of education and indigenous affairs provides SAG with unparalleled insight into how RAW can excel in these fields.

The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) was formed in 2021 to strengthen governance, compliance, and risk monitoring for the RAW Group. SAG meets monthly to discuss whole-of-business matters and to produce timely strategic advice in the form of a regular report that is tabled at Board of Director meetings. SAG is the primary advisory body to the Board of Directors and its strategic input helps the RAW Group in its monitoring of financial risk, expansion opportunities and to continue to deliver real employment and training opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers and workforce solutions RAW’s clients.
SAG comprises subject matter experts from across a broad range of industries that provide counsel across important areas of business for the RAW Group. SAG is NOT a decision-making body; it provides counsel and recommendations to the RAW Group Board of Directors